To develop and mobilize the soceity and community, there should be co-ordination and use our own skill and knowledge among each other. For this, we need co-operative. Keeping in mind, we have established Athara Saya Khola Saving & Credit Co-Operative Limited on 26th Chaitra 2065 B.S under Department of Co-operative Nepal. With due respect to the sprite of co-operative revolution of the government of Nepal, Athara Saya Khola Saving and Credit Co-operative Limited is established under the Co-operative Act 2048, with the slogan “All Equal Work Your Our Co-operative” in 26th Chaitra 2065 B.S. by the Trekking Laborers of remote parts of Gorkha district. It has been operating with no. of financial opportunities to its needy members, lower classes people & society as a whole ignoring cheap assurance of the market. In the contest of competitive market due to government’s liberal and free economic policy along with pace of technological enhancement, our entrepreneurs are facing number of threats development on the belief of “Today’s saving is tomorrow’s return. “To Serve is our ultimate goal”. Taking the view in mind ‘drops make sea’ let’s shake our hands for economic development through successful entrepreneurial development. For this, don’t worry, we manage blood i.e. fund for your business organization. You just come with your sound business scheme (i.e. plan). We would like to draw your attention towards the belief of getting opportunity to serve through the habits of daily saving. Hence, it is the right times to sake our hands.
Athara Saya Khola Saving & Credit Co-operative Ltd. believes that its prime purpose is to ensure saving and credit thriving throughout Nepal’s communities and continually providing affordable financial services to its members. We believe that Saving & Credit are born out of human need, grows as it serves people and endures as long as it is useful and wanted. To us Saving and Credit are institutions through which relations between its members-savers and borrowers are based upon humane basis-service. It is a business with a special purpose, a business with a heart.


  • Knowledgeable and Involved Board
  • Member-customer orientation
  • Technological Competence
  • Price-competitive Products and Services
  • Proficient Staff and Sales Culture
  • Focus on Continual Growth
Recently, we Athara Saya Khola Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd is operating remittance. We are the agent of Western Union Money Transfer (Hulas Remittance), Money Gram, Kumari Remit and Gorkha Express.